LAURA RAIN & THE CAESARS Closer. LRCSongs. Without doubt a fine bit of work here. Soul-blues with some decidedly deft guitar touches from producer and fret man George Friend. The sultry cover-shot is both colourful and enticing. And fortunately the eleven tracks inside cough-up in musical terms, with a promising exhibition of lyrics and music […]
LOW SOCIETY You Can’t Keep A Good Woman Down

LOW SOCIETY You Can’t Keep A Good Woman Down. Icehouse Records. Never was a truer word spoken than the title here. Vocalist Mandy Lemons belts out her vocals straight from the off, taking no prisoners throughout in much the same way that Joplin slew all before her. Along with her partner in crime, Sturgis Nikides, […]
MARCO’S POWER TRIO Marco’s Power Trio

MARCO’S POWER TRIO Marco’s Power Trio. Aenima Recordings Marco’s Power Trio is led by the guitarist and composer Marcus Roagna,.with strong support from bassist Fabricio El Coenda and powerhouse drummer John Joe Roma Romagnolo, who between them power along this 10 track album that ranges from blues rock, to country, funk, jazz and acoustic driven […]

MIGHTY MO RODGERS Mud ‘n Blood. Dixiefrog. The album is the sixth part of the Blues Journey where Mighty Mo Rodgers evokes the dark history of the Southern States, including the recalled memories of an uncle who spent twelve year’s on a chain gang and his own father who was born only twenty year’s after […]
MIKE OSBORN In The Dog House

MIKE OSBORN In The Dog House. Je Gagne Records. From the opening notes of Love Vs. Ego, I somehow knew I was going to enjoy this CD. Mike Osborn is an artist I’ve never heard before, and not to be confused with the Michael Osborn who played and toured with John Lee Hooker in the […]

MUDSLIDE CHARLEY New & Used. Club SHMED Studio. This is full of joy and fun the album has been dipped into the blues as heard in the undertones, but there is much more so this is a fresh modern and mainstream sound with a pop beat, hint of Latin and is a great clean listenable […]
NELSON WRIGHT Orphans & Relics / PEACHES AND CRIME Do Bad Things

NELSON WRIGHT Orphans & Relics / PEACHES AND CRIME Do Bad Things Fetching Grace Music / Peaches and Crime Records Two albums allocated for review, with nothing, at first sight, in common, except that they are a stretch to review in a Blues magazine, not being too closely attached to the Blues canon. Yet after […]

NOBODY’S BUSINESS Home Grown. Independent. Nobody’s Business is the name taken by Danny Ward and Colin Elliott, and these two Bristol boys have produced an album of simplistic beauty that is easy on the ears and a real musical treat with superb guitar finger-picking and original self-penned lyrics. The opening track the curiously named, Rabbit […]

ROBERT JON & THE WRECK Glory Bound. Independent. This band are as Rock and Roll as you can get, with a no nonsense sound that gets down to business from the first note of opener The Devil Is Your Only Friend. They take blues/rock to a whole new level, which I personally never tire of. […]
RON DAVIES The Kitchen Tapes

RON DAVIES The Kitchen Tapes. Little Chickadee Records. Let me say at the outset, I found this so very, very easy to listen to! Ron Davies gave us a gentle form of music with lyrics that were both perceptive and poetical at one and the same time. This disc is a compendium of his work […]