JIMMY CARPENTER Releases Soul Doctor & Announces 2020 UK Tour Dates

Soul Doctor is an exciting new studio album from saxophonist/singer-songwriter Jimmy Carpenter and its out on Gulf Coast Records. Jimmy was excited to be invited to record on Gulf Coast Records, which was founded by his long-time friend and frequent collaborator, Mike Zito, and new friend Guy Hale. Soul Doctor is Jimmy Carpenter’s 4th solo […]
Help The Achievers Get To Memphis & Holland!

Calling all Blues lovers – The Achievers need your help! Crowdfunding is now at the halfway mark for this year’s winners of the 6th UKBlues Challenge – The Achievers and they need your help to assist with expenses as they go on to represent the UK in 2020! The Achievers are the winners of the […]
25 YEARS ANNIVERSARY Ruf Records Various Artists

Album Review for Ruf Records – 25 Years Anniversary, released through Ruf Records. I’m not a great fan of label samplers these days. Back in the day labels like Island, Atlantic and CBS produced some real classics. Anyone remember Nice Enough To Eat? But of late they seem to have become rather one-paced and bland […]
Life On The Road With Ally Venable

Writer Colin Campbell recently got the chance to talk with Ally Venable before she played with the Blues Caravan at the wonderful Voodoo Rooms in Edinburgh, Scotland. This was a concert put on by the Edinburgh Blues Club. We discussed various subjects including touring, being a Texas Honey and her new album by the same […]

Album Review for Lucas Haneman Express – Catch The Westbound, Released Independently. Another Canadian based band the Lucas Haneman Express features two lead singers, Lucas who also plays guitar and Megan Laurence. They are supported by Jeff Asselin and Martin Newman on drums and bass. The additional vocals of Megan certainly add an extra dimension to […]

Frenchies Blues Destroyers – Love Is Blood – Released Independently. This is a two-piece band with their debut album. Kevin ‘Frenchie’ Sciou and Brother Pete (Coatney). Frenchie plays the guitar and sings and Brother Pete plays drums and percussion. The opening track Little Bit Crazy is not so much of a blues tune but more […]
GUITAR KING: Michael Bloomfield’s Life In The Blues

Austin, Texas – Guitar King: Michael Bloomfield’s Life in the Blues will be published on the 15th October by the University of Texas Press. This first comprehensive biography of the late, great Michael Bloomfield brings to life the dazzling electric-guitar virtuoso who transformed rock ’n’ roll in the 1960s and made a lasting impact on […]
THE BAND – 50th Anniversary Edition Release

The Band’s self-titled masterpiece celebrated with remixed and expanded 50th Anniversary Edition. To Be Released On 15th November on UMG. When The Band’s seminal eponymous second album was released fifty years ago on September 22, 1969, not much more was known about the reclusive group than when they released their landmark debut, Music From Big Pink to […]

Album Review for Tony Cuchetti & Joe Filipovich – Tin Can Tunes – Released Independently. As I read the sleeve notes I was taken aback somewhat when I read Hayburner guitar, in actual fact it’s an oil can guitar made from antique gas cans. Anyway, as the first track Mess Around kicked in I soon […]
DEEP BLUE SEA – Strange Ways

Album Review for Deep Blue Sea – Strange Ways – Released on Razor Edge Records – 2019. This is a four-piece band with an international flavour. Combining two guys and two girls the band cut a swathe through blues, rock, folk and Americana with ease. Rock Star Status opens proceedings as a hard rock/blues no […]