DUNCAN STREET Baptized By The Blues

DUNCAN STREET Baptized By The Blues

15 South Records

Duncan Street baptised by the blues
Dave Duncan blues guitarist and Stan Street Harp and Percussion have collaborated on the album producing some blues that is heart-warming and has the approach ‘let’s not over complicate what works’. Baptized By The Blues, is an album that brings the blues to you the whole album feels as if they are sitting on your porch playing to amuse and entertain and they certainly bring some Mississippi heat into your life. The opening track, Watermelon, BBQ and Beer is full of life and makes you smile and sums up a lazy summer day and this is music that is perfect accompaniment. The title track is guitar driven dirty blues that showcases the lyrics with riffs of Muddy Waters and blues-men throughout time it is the music that drives straight to your soul and makes you want to bow to the altar of the blues greats summed up with the line, “Found Muddy Waters, it gave me cold chills.” There is a wry sharp sense of humour throughout and highlighted on Sharpest Marble in The Drawer with its lovely interplay between harp and guitar and lines like… “Not the sharpest marble in the drawer”; this is blues that makes perfect sense on every level. The only cover is a fantastic version of I Be’s Troubled happy to add this version of Muddy Waters classic to my collection. This is an album that delivers the blues by two talented musicians who gel together creating a sound that is a delight to sit back, listen and be immersed in the sound of the Deep South.


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