STOMPIN’ DAVE – Keyboard Blues
Album Review for Stompin’ Dave – Keyboard Blues – Released Independently. Twenty-two tracks of piano-based Boogie-woogie and Blues, just vocal and piano and all the songs written by Stompin’ Dave himself, what’s not to like? In fact, everything was done by Stompin’ Dave, songwriting, playing, recording, mixing, photography and as far as I know, he packaged […]
EAMONN McCORMACK – Storyteller
Album Review for Eamonn McCormack – Storyteller – Released on BEM Records. This is the Dublin blues-rocker Eamonn McCormack’s seventh release and it encapsulates an eclectic mix of music styles and formats. They are all originals written by this talented singer-songwriter and virtuoso guitarist. It has a retrospective feel to it and offers the listener an […]