Sonny Landreth
He’s literally the greatest slide guitarist that ever walked God’s earth. He’s in a class of his own. I don’t know how he does what he does but when I stood next to him on stage and watched him play two feet away from me, I was awestruck.
Warren Haynes
I love jamming with him! He’s the troubadour of these days that we’re living in. He’s the guy. He can do it all. Wait til you hear him on my new record, he’s blazing man!
Jeff Healey
He was a dear friend and another guy who was in a class by himself. His unorthodox technique, the way he played, enabled him to do things that other guitar players can’t do. He was unbelievable.
Roy Buchanan
I ended up getting to know him really well and he was another guy who was just absolutely jaw dropping when you watched him play.
Craig Farley (No video/photo but it’s an interesting story!)
You wouldn’t have heard of this guy but when I was 18 years old, I got to play rhythm guitar in his band in New Jersey. I really thought we were going to go on and be superstars because he was better than anybody on the planet at that time. Unfortunately, he got into Scientology, quit playing and disappeared. I haven’t heard from him in over forty years. But back in the late 60’s, there was nobody who could touch that guy, I don’t know where he is. I’ve actually tried to find him on the internet and he turns up on some Scientology websites so he’s still in the throes of the cult. It’s kind of interesting because nobody played like that guy and I learned a lot from him, standing there at gigs and rehearsals watching him and having him show me stuff and then one day he says “I’ve discovered this thing called Scientology” and that was it, he was gone!

For more information see – Walter Trout UK Tour Dates