Review: Back Porch @ Lichfield Vaults, Hereford, May 12th 2013

Back Porch @ Lichfield Vaults, Hereford, May 12th 2013

This four piece outfit from Ipswich area Suffolk were a complete unknown to us (me and Swansea girls). They were doing two Herefordshire gigs following their Swanage Festival success and we were lucky to catch them this particular Sunday afternoon. What a lively joyous old timey ‘rap’ and eclectic mix of old and new blues, folk and instrumentals they produce. The band are composed of Tony Lewis – 12 string – a boisterous and oft harmonious sound. John Miller plays electric six string/resonator/acoustic/ vocals. Mike Rushmore percussion – no drum kit as such just a stick with bells, box, cymbal, washboard, grater, various gizmos and additional aching foot (having fallen off the stage at the previous evenings gig! ) Finally – Steve Graham- hooting and hollering and howlin’ harp Supremo!

Much of their material stemmed from their latest album “Ain’t Letting Go” written by Miller and Rushmore and all of it good! Their laid back (Porch) style is simplicity itself but underneath is a well honed set of musicians enjoying their art and thrilling the audience all the while. As soon as friend Vera heard “Six Page Letter” it was a foregone conclusion she was buying that CD! The dancing got under a way in the crowded back bar and did not let up all afternoon. When we congratulated them for their brilliant performance- they in turn thanked us whole heartedly for boogying on down and jiving- something they said makes them feel real good and is an acknowledgement they’re doing something right! Needless to say the landlord has asked them for a return visit later in the year. Watch out for these guys and give them a look in when out and about!

Diane Gillard
Sister Feelgood

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