New music video from Joe Bonamassa – Mind’s Eye

Watch the animated music video for “Mind’s Eye” here

“Joe wanted this video to emulate the great prog rock videos of the past using cool custom illustrations and psychedelic scenes,” says Roy Weisman, the CEO of Joe’ U.S. label J&R Adventures.

Continues Weisman, “The song has a very Pink Floyd feel so the video needed to step up and meet that unique vibe. The whole Time Clocks record is about a journey and “Mind’s Eye” gives you a fun glimpse of what could be swimming around in inside someone’s mind.”

The new single and music video dovetails Bonamassa’s upcoming UK tour which starts April 20th until May 6th and includes two nights at London’s prestigious Royal Albert Hall (May 5-6th).

Our writer, Stephen Harrison says…

“This is kind of a new string to the many bows that Joe Bonamassa has developed over the last few years. When I say new, of course, I mean new as in the concept behind the video, behind the eye, so to speak. We are all very familiar with Joe’s work, including videos, but this represents something completely different.

I must admit that I don’t normally pre-occupy myself with video releases of any blues artist, I prefer to concentrate on the album and what that has to say. But, being as this caught my eye, no pun intended, I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. The video, if you are not aware, starts with Joe sitting in a rather regal leather high-backed chair, I have one very similar, playing a lovely Gibson guitar.

Everyone will have differing views on what the video actually represents, my observations take me into the realm of Joe searching, or maybe longing for something that is lodged within his sub-conscience. It has a slight hippy feel, not what you would normally associate with Joe Bonamassa. The lyrics and music are what we have come to expect from Joe Bonamassa.

Fantastic lyrics, a guitar solo that leaves you with goosebumps, and an overriding sense of comfort. Judge for yourselves when watching the video, but for me, Joe has once again broken new ground whilst still surrounding himself with producing spine-chilling music that has made him what he is today.”

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