NEIL WARDEN Adventures in Weissenborn Land

image of album cover for Neil Warden Adventures in Weissenborn

This is a mini adventure, exploring the sound of Weissenborn lap steel guitar, four perfectly formed tracks, written and recorded whilst Neil Warden was recovering from a broken leg.

Opening with the acoustic tones which take us to a dry and eerie place.

Windswept, desolate and wild, the power of the Weissenborn combined with Gary Martins Harp we are transformed to the Mojave on this opening percussive instrumental number.

This then leads into Bad Dog with Gary on vocals as Neil continues to explore the dexterity of tones the lap-steel offers.

As the only track with vocals, it is a standalone number, in some ways breaking the flow of the rest of the EP with this country blues number. That said the vocals bring another sound.

We are then Enchanted by a moody number as the guitar strings create a narrative of its own, full of yearning and loss, and love or life not resolved with the amazing arrangements of Stuart Mitchell.

This flows into The Alchemist. This time Neil is not joined by a voice but by the Bass Flute of Dave Heath.

The eastern sound continues with textures of sand dunes, minarets and snake charmers.

It is the simplicity of Neil’s playing that adds the edge to the tonal poem that is full of musical alchemy.

Four tracks that leave you wanting more adventures in the land of the Weissenborn in the hands of Neil Warden.


For more info – Neil Warden

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