Frenchies Blues Destroyers – Love Is Blood – Released Independently.

This is a two-piece band with their debut album. Kevin ‘Frenchie’ Sciou and Brother Pete (Coatney). Frenchie plays the guitar and sings and Brother Pete plays drums and percussion.

The opening track Little Bit Crazy is not so much of a blues tune but more middle of the road soft rock track. But with just two guys’ in the band, they do have the sound of a four-piece which is quite an achievement.
Beautiful Mess has a slightly more 12 bar approach to it. Not exactly pure blues per se but more of a boogie style that is quite pleasant on the ear.

Love Is Blood being the title track needed something a bit different and I’m pleased to say that it has. A darker broodier tinge towards the lyrics with the musical side of things edging towards a swamp blues in a manner that would suit a moving score about the deep south.
Get Through To You has a blues/rock feel about it. A great guitar riff and forceful drumming from Brother Pete. A definite lean towards the blues/rock more so than on previous tracks.
Night Time Is The Right Time leads me in the direction of roots and Americana. The harmonies are superb with well-balanced guitar and drums. I have an image of these two guys playing this on a porch whilst looking out over yonder into the big blue sky. Funny how music puts the mind in different settings. This definitely puts me in mind of a tea plantation in the deep south for some reason.
As the album progresses it does have a rockabilly/boogie mood gathering among the tracks such as JuJu Boo Bunny. There is no doubt that these boys can play and write songs together so I would like to see them in a live environment to judge them better. It’s hard to pin a pure blues label on this album but they do reach a certain blues style that I could grow to like.
Album Review by Stephen Harrison
For More Info – Frenchies Blues Destroyers