Many people have asked why The Blues Magazine is currently running a campaign to select the UK’s representative at the 2015 European Blues Challenge when Blues Matters! has already announced Red Butler as the UK’s nominee.

Unfortunately, some European Blues Union Board Members, ignoring totally the EBU’s own rules and statutes, have initiated a campaign with The Blues Magazine to run a selection process in the UK that is completely ‘illegal’.

The selection process run by Blues Matters! has been accepted by the EBU in the past as fully complying with the EBC regulations.
The UK’s country responsible and a number of UK Active Members of the EBU have pointed out to the EBU Board that they have taken actions/made decisions which they are not authorised to do by virtue of the EBU’s own rules and that they are ignoring the EBU’s own procedures which are in place to deal with a situation where two parties from the same country seek to nominate.

The Board has also been asked to require the immediate suspension of the campaign which The Blues Magazine is currently running, at least until after a forthcoming meeting of the Board when, it is hoped, the Board will realise that it has acted improperly and withdraw the mandate given to The Blues Magazine immediately.
Unfortunately, at the time of writing, the Board has failed to respond to this request leaving the country responsible and the concerned UK Active Members of the EBU no option but to seek to explain the unfortunate situation that exists at present.