Well folks here are the results for the Blues Matters Writers Poll 2012.

Remember the days of the NME Polls well that is what we have gone for and by keeping the voting internal avoiding the feeding frenzy that goes on in other awards.

A certain Radio2 host has said that this Poll holds a good amount of interest and credibility as it is from the writers who are involved, so here they are:
The winners of the Best Newcomer from the UK section are nominated to enter the European Blues Union Blues Challenge.

Last year Ben Poole did the UK proud in coming in 3rd of 19 countries. He has been booked to play at several prestigious European Blues festivals as a result of the nomination, gained a European promoter and a record deal with Ruf Records…….so not a bad result all round AND we have to say thanks initially to the BM Writers’ for voting for him to give him the opportunity.
We are proud to have the very talented Lucy Zirins as this years’ winner. Sadly having talked to her it has been established that she cannot accept entry to the EBU Challenge as she is recording her album for release early in 2013 and all her efforts are directed to this as priority. Therefore with her agreement and consent the act achieving 2nd place take the nomination and have accepted to represent the UK in France on 8 & 9th March 2013.
Therefore BABAJACK will be taking part in the 2013 European Blues Challenge on behalf of the UK.
What was missing was some sponsorship to help the nominated act to cover costs so we will welcome serious discussions from companies interested in taking up the option to help UK Blues in this area for the future.
We are in discussion for this year but for the future please contact: [email protected]