Blues Matters – now available on your iPhone and iPad!
The iPad/iPhone edition brings you selected pages from the latest issue as soon as it is available. You can subscribe within the application for full access, which brings you every page of the issue and a searchable archive back to September 2008. Issues are not sold individually – for the duration of your subscription you have access to every issue in this archive.

Blues Matters! represents all shades and directions of the Blues with all the enthusiasm it deserves and with seriousness, depth and belief in being open. By doing so, we bring together the music, artists/musicians, publications, creators, industry, and importantly you the fans, who enjoy, and therefore help sustain, the Blues for further generations.

Each issue reveals a refreshing tonic of information, fact, honesty, and humour. Blues Matters! brings a wide-range of Blues topics to our readers in a neat and portable format (easy to bookcase for reference and read in transit) being available in print, digital and (now) branded app forms all for your Blues convenience!……….because:Blues Matters!
Blues Matters aims to bigger and better heights for the Blues industry across the world so join us and support Blues Matters.

We have a wide range of Blues fans all over the world including UK, USA, Canada, Europe, Israel, Russia, Africa, Australia and more! Blues Matters offers you/your Band/label the sort of exposure largely unavailable elsewhere, allowing you to reach Blues fans Internationally through our extensive distribution coverage, worldwide subscriber base, popular website and NOW our own Branded App.