45 Miles: Kim Lembos takes a leap of faith

Blues artist Kim Lembos needs your help funding her next album release. We’ll let her explain more…

kim-lembos-music-image-WEB“At age 48 I quit my big job and set out to focus my energy on this crazy idea: To record my 5th album made up of mostly original songs written by me telling my stories about love, sex, relationships and the questions of my life. This album, my labor of love, began with a leap of faith and is continuing with good old fashioned hard work.

In the early 90’s and early 2000’s, I released 4 albums of mostly blues covers on Blue Wave Records . We simultaneously released 3 out of the 4 in France as well. For years, I daydreamed that someday I would find my writers voice and conquer my limited guitar playing to create an album of my own work. I set out often working alone in my room, writing, practicing, throwing out, starting over with song after song. It has been a confounding, beautiful, heartbreaking and ultimately, soul-lifting process. Finally, I feel compelled to share my work.”

“To reach the top of this enormous creative mountain, I am asking for your help.

I can’t record and release “45 Miles” on my own. I will have a co-producer, an engineer and the critical piece: rocking musicians. All these fine people deserve to be paid for their work. In addition, there are the recording studio costs, engineering, mastering, artwork, printing, uploading and release of the album. All this will cost money.

With your help, I will make this album.

Here is how it works. I have set a goal of $15,000. If I hit my goal, Indiegogo will take a 4% fee and also charge 3-5% for credit cards. If I do not hit my goal, Indiegogo will take 9% of what I raised and, I will keep the rest. That means, if we do not hit the goal, it will cost us a lot more to run this campaign!

Here is what we call the Call to Action:

Please donate to my project and, share with your networks. Every donation, no matter what the size, will help. Remember, you are not donating to me but to a collective of artists helping to create this album. If you cannot donate, no problem! Please help by sharing this with your networks. The more people who get excited about “45 Miles”, the more likely it will fund! Let’s prove it is never too late to take a leap of faith. In fact, when your whole existence tells you it is time, there is no other choice but to leap!

My goal is to get the music into your ears by the spring of 2016!

Thank you so much.
Love and art for all.



Indiegogo campaign link: www.indiegogo.com/projects/45-miles-kim-lembo-s-next-album
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Kim-Lembos-Music/125946720764146
Twitter: www.twitter.com/kimlembomusic

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