THE BLUES BONES Saved By The Blues

Clichés imminent …here goes; Belgian chocolate, Belgian beer are just two quality products, but with the Blues Bones you can safely add the blues as a genuine tourist attraction. If you visit their excellent website at you can’t fail to be impressed, and there’s a fine selection of live performances there on video. They’re a meaty five-piece with the extra ingredient of Hammond organ, and when you have a front man with the in-your-face name Nico de Cock, you’re already half way to legendary status.

There’s eleven fine tracks here, ten of which are good originals, and throughout Stef Paglia’s spicy guitar amply leads the way as a demonstration of musical confidence. I especially liked Find Me A Woman and the eponymous Saved By The Blues, and the six minutes of Runaway are a delight.
This isn’t just European blues. It’s international, with all the pungent flavours of Mississippi, Chicago and Louisiana bubbling to the surface. So let’s hear it for the Belgians – this is as tasty as any beer or chocolate.