Once a generation, a blues artist comes along who not only reminds mainstream audiences how deeply satisfying and emotionally moving the best blues music can be but shakes the genre to its core. With both eyes on the future and the blues in his blood, 20-year-old guitarist, vocalist and songwriter Christone “Kingfish” Ingram is taking the music world by storm with the May 2019 release of his debut album, KINGFISH.

Sprung from the same earth as so many of the Delta blues masters, Kingfish comes bursting out of Clarksdale, Mississippi, just ten miles from the legendary crossroads of Highways 61 and 49. A student of the Delta’s musical history, he is acutely aware of the musicians and the music that emerged from his corner of the world. “I do think I have an old soul, that I’ve been here before,” he says. “I’m moving forward with one foot in the past.”

So through social media – Christone “Kingfish” Ingram just released this sweet, organic video of himself playing his song Hard Times acoustically, while staying safely sheltered at home. He mixes in some photos and a short video of fans who sent him the items to show what they’ve been doing while sheltering. The video makes clear how we are all in this together. This right here is the healing power of the blues.

He’s calling it Hard Times (Shelter-At-Home mix):
This is what he wrote on his FB, Instagram and Twitter pages:
“Thanks for all the great photos and videos that you’ve shared. I truly appreciate it. I want to share with you a raw, special video that I pulled together in light of current times. I hope everyone is staying safe & healthy. I also hope you share my confidence that together we all will get through these HARD TIMES.”
For More Info on Christone ‘Kingfish’ Ingram click here