Lisa Lystam Family Band
Lisa Lystam Family Band from Sweden have been interviewed by Blues Matters Magazine and will appear in Issue #94 Feb/March 2017

Radio Submit Link – see below to hear tracks

Though the young Lisa Lystam is a new artist on the Swedish Blues and roots scene, she has already made a name for herself as an exciting artist all around Sweden. The world’s oldest Blues magazine, Jefferson calls her; “the new Swedish sensation” and she has received several awards, scholarships, great reviews and a stack of press from many of the Swedish newspapers and magazines.
During the last two years since forming, Lisa Lystam and her Family Band has become a tight, genuine, and admired band. They have already managed to play at many prestigious events (representing Sweden in European blues challenge 2015) and you will be able to see them at several large Swedish Blues festivals this year as well as abroad.

“It’s not every time I jump out of my shoes, but when I saw Lisa for the first time, it was close” – Jefferson Blues Magazine
A radio submit has been set up for the Lisa Lystam Family Band and tracks from the Ep Give You Everything can be found here –
Radio Submit for Lisa Lystam Family Band