Hugh and Mud make history

Mud Morganfield with Hugh LaurieTuesday 21st August 2012 was a historic day for the Blues.  Eldest son of Muddy Waters, Mud Morganfield, joined the British Bluesman and actor Hugh Laurie on stage at the Park West Theatre in Chicago, adding to the history of Chicago greats teaming up with great Blues artists from across the Atlantic.

In Mud’s words: “The show was great. Hugh was great to me and my family. His music was a little different than what I do, but we had a ball.  Me and Hugh sang “Walking thru the park” together. I sang “Health”.  The people loved it.  At the end, everyone was gone in the theatre, but about 50 people were standing outside.  When me and my family left, the people started to clap for me as we got in the car….” Mud, who has been around Bluesman from birth and is the son of one of the biggest legends in music, was clearly impressed by Hugh: “I think Hugh is a genius. Very cool cat. And a great showman.”

Another great photo and more on this night will feature in the next issue of Blues Matters magazine. To subscribe to the hard copy or digital edition, wherever you are in the world, go to our subscription page


Mud has a great new album out now, read more here:

Hugh Laurie’s website is here:

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