Geoff Everett Band

Geoff EverettHaving heard good things about The Geoff Everett Band (namely, that he is a blast live), The Blues Matters Blogger invited Geoff Everett to reveal all about his upcoming new album. Geoff’s thoughtful remarks are below:

“Anyone who has created a self produced album, Blues or otherwise, knows well that stage of affairs at which it exists like scattered scree in careless heaps.  Bits of it scrawled on paper; some in only viscous imagination in the mind; and yet more yelled or played roughly into a Dictaphone machine or similar in the middle of the night. So it was (and still is to some lesser extent ) for my album, “The Quick And The Dead”, with it’s ten original blues songs.”

“Panic sets in often, consolable only by the analogy that the Space Programme (huge beans compared to my humble project) is not understood by every member of staff but each having his own bit of knowledge of the whole.”   “I am very lucky. I have on my “staff”- at least for the album:   –        Brendan O’Neill on drums from Rory Gallagher’s band and of course now with 9 Below Zero;   –        Awesome Alan Glen (Yardbirds, etc) on harmonica;   –        Mollie Marriott (Steve’s very talented daughter) on backing and some lead vox;   –        Gary Barnacle from Tina Turner fame – on her tours and albums (think Steamy Windows, etc), on sax. Three of them actually – Baritone, Tenor and Alto.”   “Some other interesting guys will appear too, not least Tim Hinkley on some Hammond and piano. Tim has been around forever and is a giant of his genre, even having written with George Harrison. Good enough for George, then good enough for me!”   “Hence the initial panic is turning to proud excitement – it is sounding awesome. Why wouldn’t it with these stunning performers strutting their amazing stuff?  These guys have poured sweat into my project; I have witnessed them willingly giving of their best in the studio – none of them happy and refusing to leave until they have done so.”   “I had hoped for the arrogant boogie-ness of the Rolling Stones; the cool minor pleading-ness of Peter Green; the hard hitting–ness of AC/DC; the  persistent driving-ness of Mr Gallagher; the saucy irreverence of Johnny Winter together with a thousand other “-nesses” combined with my own very personal view on life and my journey through it.  What I had hoped for, I got.”   “The great Kevin Dore on bass and me on guitar complete the line up for a “Stonesy, Greeny, AC/DC–y, Gallaghery, Wintery, not forgetting Everett-y exciting extravaganza!”   “Hope to share it with everyone in June.”

If you’d like to check out the Quick-y and the Dead-y (sorry, Geoff), keep an eye on Geoff’s website:

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