European Blues Challenge 2015 – EBU Board rejects UK Nomination
As a result of the Board of the European Blues Union ignoring their own rules and procedures, the nomination of Red Butler as the UK’s representative at EBC 2015 following the selection process which has been used, and accepted as compliant by the EBU Board for the last four years, has been rejected, again in a manner which is in breach of the EBU’s own rules & regulations.There is now to be a so called UK Blues Challenge organised under the auspices of the Blues Magazine using a selection process which the Board of the European Blues Union has described as ‘unacceptable’. This will take place on 11th December 2014 at the Boom Boom Club, Sutton United FC, The Borough Sports Ground, Gander Green Lane, Sutton, Surrey SM1 2EY.

The four ‘contestants’ who have been selected to take part in this ‘Challenge’ are Red Butler, Kaz Hawkins, Henry’s Funeral Shoe and the Laurence Jones Band although, at the time of writing, we understand that Red Butler have not been contacted either by the EBU or the Blues Magazine to advise them of their participation or any of the arrangements. We also understand that Kaz Hawkins has advised that she is not available for this event.

Ironically, if BM! posts this you will be announcing the details of the Challenge before the organisers!!!