Clare Free on her new album Dust and Bones

Back in November, Clare Free kindly wrote one of the first blogs for the Blog of the Blues.  So her return is very welcome, and this time she comes armed with her new album, Dust and Bones.
The Blues Blogger asked Clare a few questions:
Blues Blogger: “What was the highlight of making the album?”

Clare: “For me, the highlight of making the album was going from writing the songs to hearing them in their final form for the first time in the studio.”
Blues Blogger: “If you could have any guest on the album from the history of the Blues, who would it be?”
Clare: “If I had the chance to have a special guest from blues history it would without any doubt, be Albert Collins, I just love his playing, he was so funky, fresh and different. I never saw him live and I wish I had, I know I missed a great thing there.”

Blues Blogger: “Is there any change of emphasis/style for you in this album?”

Clare: “Yes, there is a change in style in Dust and Bones. It’s heavier, dirtier blues than How It Is.  There are some seriously funky riffs and some filthy grooves, I love it!”

Blues Blogger: “What would be your best drink to have on hand while listening to your new album?

Clare: “Blimey, the best drink? I suppose for me it would be something like Jack Daniels but that’s not very original! I’m not a huge drinker….”

Blues Blogger: “What else are you looking forward to in 2012?”

Clare: “Later this year I have another release coming out but I’m keeping that under my hat for now! I’m currently planning a lot more tour dates both here and in Europe so that’s something I’m looking forward to. There’s so much going on the whole time, I look forward to everything.”

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