Blues Matters Magazine: Issue #89 April / May 2016
Blues Matters Issue 89 is available NOW from all good newsagents including WHSmiths and of course direct from us at Blues Matters.

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Regular features Harp Attack and Kitchat plus Blues news from around the globe, and those Blues heroes who have played their last note

Blue Blood
The new bands that are worth keeping an eye on including the Husky Tones, Michael Armstrong and more
Red Lick Top 20
The top sellers from the most comprehensive Blues catalogue in the world
RMR Blues Top 50
The Roots Music Report with the chart that really matters
IBBA Blues Top 50
The very best, most played Blues compiled by the UK Independent Blues Broadcasters Association
JOE BONAMASSA, Big Boy Bloater, Zakiya Hooker, Bonnie Raitt, Lil’ Ed, Ruthie Foster, Sandi Thom, Ten Years After, Paul Nelson, Stevie Nimmo
Guitar Tech
Part Two of our new regular feature for all our guitar enthusiasts
Australian Blues
Part Seven of our engrossing round up of top quality Aussie Blues news
As usual simply the biggest and best review section available anywhere
The best reviews from shows, festivals and gigs this issue including Laurence Jones, Christine Tobin, The Mighty Bosscats, The Headcutters, Illfracombe Blues Rhythm and Rock Festival, Blues On The Farm, Butlins Great British Rock and Blues Festival, Celtic Connections and Carneigie Hall Leadbelly Festival (USA)