Album Review: Chris Tavener – Bottle It Up – Released – Independently.

Ok, this is a strange one. I’ve never been sent a Single for review before and certainly never one like this. I think the first thing I want and need to say is that I totally support any effort being made by artists, sportsmen and women, politicians or the wider population to open up about mental health.

For far too long this issue has been hidden away from view as some sort of taboo subject but no more. Any route open to us to explore, understand and tackle the problems that many of us experience at some stage in life has to be a good thing.

So on to this record by Chris who is gifting all proceeds from, Bottle It Up to the leading charity CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably). Chris writes in a style which is satirical and humorous. The lyrics here are very clever and jolly and the tune is catchy for sure.

It is not the Blues but that does not matter as we can all listen to stuff outside our preferred “genre”. A vexed question must follow and that is did I like it? Well in truth no I didn’t, as something that I would listen to long-term. Would I endorse it for the purpose for which it is designed to help? Absolutely I would. Go on, buy it and support a really worthwhile cause.

Album Review by Graeme Scott

For More Info – Chris Tavener

For More Info on the Mental Health Charity – CALM

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