Roadhouse Dark Angels?

Gary Boner has led Roadhouse for 20 years… this year at last they appeared at Glastonbury and slowly things are looking up, it’s a story of struggling against the odds, no big record company advances, no-one to pull the strings, and coping with severe illness and family struggles. …Gary’s answers are spiced with typically dry […]

Shemekia Copeland

Shemekia Copeland was born into the Blues as daughter of the late great Bluesman John Clyde Copeland. She was surrounded by her father’s friends, colleagues and contacts and following in his footsteps; singing and recording innovative Blues, may have been inevitable. Yet it has been a lengthy and patient evolution that now finds her opening […]

Tim Aves interviewed by Mike Owens

Tim Aves is a well known face on the British blues scene. His many activities include a regular Sunday evening radio show on SaintFM. He MC’s and performs at Boogaloo Promotions events and also promotes blues happenings in the Essex delta area where he lives. This year he launched a new band ‘Wolfpack’. They performed […]